Configuring email signature

Defining custom email footers

For each domain, you can customize email footers that are automatically added to all messages sent from this domain.

  1. In the administration interface, go to the Configuration → Domains section.

  2. Double-click the domain and go to the Footer tab.

  3. Enable the Append the footer to outgoing messages option.

  4. Create the footer (in plain text or HTML).

  5. If you do not want to append footers to messages for internal recipients, select the Don't append if... option.

  6. Click OK.


If user defines their own email signature, this domain footer is displayed below the user's signature.

When a user replies to a message, Kerio Connect places the domain footer below the whole conversation and the user's signature below the individual replies.

If users send digitally signed or encrypted messages, Kerio Connect does not append any footers to the message.

Adding automatic user and company details to domain footers

You can use special field identifiers to add user and/or company details to the footer:

  1. Fill in the information in the users' account details.

  2. Create company locations.

  3. In the administration interface, go to the Configurations → Domains section.

  4. Select a domain and click Edit.

  5. Click the Footer tab.

  6. Define the footer using items in the Field drop-down list.

  7. If you select the Use HTML option, you can format the fields: select the field and apply formatting attributes.

  8. Click OK.

The final footer might look like this:


If users send digitally signed or encrypted messages, Kerio Connect does not append any footers to the message.

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